With the changing weather and the setting of the clock, we also see that the eating pattern is changing. Where winter is traditionally the time of red wine, rosé is really a summer drink for in the sun and on the terrace. Of course, this also applies to the vegetables grown and sold in the Netherlands. The same goes for the Shii-take of Eko Shii-take B.V. This originally oriental product peaks in the months from October to March. Logical as an ingredient in typical game dishes.
Trends and developments
The Dutch Nutrition Centre has explained the importance of the seasons and the corresponding seasonal vegetables in a structured and clear manner. Sustainability, varied eating but also the wishes of consumers. The importance of certification and the associated advice to consumers are also mentioned as added value. Partly for this reason, Eko Shii-take B.V. also participates in Planet Proof.
Eko Shii-take B.V. notes that last summer 2021 (quarters 2 and 3) was different from the winter (quarters 4 and 1), compared to previous years. More was sold in the summer of 2021 than in the years before. Is this a break in the trend or a coincidence? Are people eating less meat and therefore more protein-rich products? A direct explanation from Eko Shii Take B.V. is lacking.

Your trusted producer and supplier, all year round.
In Overloon in Brabant, twelve employees work daily on the cultivation of this firm and organic product.
Seasonal vegetable or not, Eko Shii-take B.V. has fresh (mini) shii take all year round.
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